
Here we discuss how to extend the observation distributions or model fitting to satisfy specific needs.

using DensityInterface
using Distributions
using HiddenMarkovModels
import HiddenMarkovModels as HMMs
using LinearAlgebra
using Random: Random, AbstractRNG
using StableRNGs
using StatsAPI
rng = StableRNG(63);

Custom distributions

In an HMM object, the observation distributions do not need to come from Distributions.jl. They only need to implement three methods:

  • Random.rand(rng, dist) for sampling
  • DensityInterface.logdensityof(dist, obs) for inference
  •!(dist, obs_seq, weight_seq) for learning

In addition, the observations can be arbitrary Julia types. So let's construct a distribution that generates stuff.

struct Stuff{T}

The associated distribution will only be a wrapper for a normal distribution on the quantity.

mutable struct StuffDist{T}

Simulation is fairly easy.

function Random.rand(rng::AbstractRNG, dist::StuffDist)
    quantity = dist.quantity_mean + randn(rng)
    return Stuff(quantity)

It is important to declare to DensityInterface.jl that the custom distribution has a density, thanks to the following trait. The logdensity itself can be computed up to an additive constant without issue.

DensityInterface.DensityKind(::StuffDist) = HasDensity()

function DensityInterface.logdensityof(dist::StuffDist, obs::Stuff)
    return -abs2(obs.quantity - dist.quantity_mean) / 2

Finally, the fitting procedure must happen in place, and take a sequence of weighted samples.

    dist::StuffDist, obs_seq::AbstractVector{<:Stuff}, weight_seq::AbstractVector{<:Real}
    dist.quantity_mean =
        sum(weight_seq[k] * obs_seq[k].quantity for k in eachindex(obs_seq, weight_seq)) /
    return nothing

Let's put it to the test.

init = [0.6, 0.4]
trans = [0.7 0.3; 0.2 0.8]
dists = [StuffDist(-1.0), StuffDist(+1.0)]
hmm = HMM(init, trans, dists);

When we sample an observation sequence, we get a vector of Stuff.

state_seq, obs_seq = rand(rng, hmm, 100)

And we can pass these observations to all of our inference algorithms.

viterbi(hmm, obs_seq)
([2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1  …  2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2], [-105.14962642954197])

If we implement fit!, Baum-Welch also works seamlessly.

init_guess = [0.5, 0.5]
trans_guess = [0.6 0.4; 0.3 0.7]
dists_guess = [StuffDist(-1.1), StuffDist(+1.1)]
hmm_guess = HMM(init_guess, trans_guess, dists_guess);
hmm_est, loglikelihood_evolution = baum_welch(hmm, obs_seq)
first(loglikelihood_evolution), last(loglikelihood_evolution)
(-93.1846577789875, -88.86485446852822)
2-element Vector{Main.StuffDist{Float64}}:
2×2 Matrix{Float64}:
 0.688224  0.311776
 0.411282  0.588718

If you want more sophisticated examples, check out HiddenMarkovModels.LightDiagNormal and HiddenMarkovModels.LightCategorical, which are designed to be fast and allocation-free.

Custom HMM structures

In some scenarios, the vanilla Baum-Welch algorithm is not exactly what we want. For instance, we might have a prior on the parameters of our model, which we want to apply during the fitting step of the iterative procedure. Then we need to create a new type that satisfies the AbstractHMM interface.

Let's make a simpler version of the built-in HMM, with a prior saying that each transition has already been observed a certain number of times. Such a prior can be very useful to regularize estimation and avoid numerical instabilities. It amounts to drawing every row of the transition matrix from a Dirichlet distribution, where each Dirichlet parameter is one plus the number of times the corresponding transition has been observed.

struct PriorHMM{T,D} <: AbstractHMM

The basic requirements for AbstractHMM are the following three functions: initialization, transition_matrix and obs_distributions.

HiddenMarkovModels.initialization(hmm::PriorHMM) = hmm.init
HiddenMarkovModels.transition_matrix(hmm::PriorHMM) = hmm.trans
HiddenMarkovModels.obs_distributions(hmm::PriorHMM) = hmm.dists

It is also possible to override logdensityof(hmm) and specify a prior loglikelihood for the model itself. If we forget to implement this, the loglikelihood computed in Baum-Welch will be missing a term, and thus it might decrease.

function DensityInterface.logdensityof(hmm::PriorHMM)
    prior = Dirichlet(fill(hmm.trans_prior_count + 1, length(hmm)))
    return sum(logdensityof(prior, row) for row in eachrow(transition_matrix(hmm)))

Finally, we must redefine the specific method of fit! that is used during Baum-Welch re-estimation. This function takes as inputs:

The goal is to modify hmm in-place, updating parameters with their maximum likelihood estimates given current inference results. We will make use of the fields fb_storage.γ and fb_storage.ξ, which contain the state and transition marginals γ[i, t] and ξ[t][i, j] at each time step.

    # initialize to defaults without observations
    hmm.init .= 0
    hmm.trans .= hmm.trans_prior_count  # our prior comes into play, otherwise 0
    # iterate over observation sequences
    for k in eachindex(seq_ends)
        # get sequence endpoints
        t1, t2 = seq_limits(seq_ends, k)
        # add estimated number of initializations in each state
        hmm.init .+= fb_storage.γ[:, t1]
        # add estimated number of transitions between each pair of states
        hmm.trans .+= sum(fb_storage.ξ[t1:t2])
    # normalize
    hmm.init ./= sum(hmm.init)
    hmm.trans ./= sum(hmm.trans; dims=2)

    for i in 1:length(hmm)
        # weigh each sample by the marginal probability of being in state i
        weight_seq = fb_storage.γ[i, :]
        # fit observation distribution i using those weights
        fit!(hmm.dists[i], obs_seq, weight_seq)

    # perform a few checks on the model
    @assert HMMs.valid_hmm(hmm)
    return nothing
When distributions don't comply

Note that some distributions, such as those from Distributions.jl:

  • do not support in-place fitting
  • expect different input formats, e.g. matrices instead of a vector of vectors

The function HiddenMarkovModels.fit_in_sequence! is a replacement for fit!, designed to handle Distributions.jl without committing type piracy. Check out its source code, and overload it for your other distributions too if they do not support in-place fitting.

Now let's see that everything works, even with our custom distribution from before.

trans_prior_count = 10
prior_hmm_guess = PriorHMM(init_guess, trans_guess, dists_guess, trans_prior_count);
prior_hmm_est, prior_logl_evolution = baum_welch(prior_hmm_guess, obs_seq)
first(prior_logl_evolution), last(prior_logl_evolution)
(-90.71662042348134, -87.13188202313177)

As we can see, the transition matrix for our Bayesian version is slightly more spread out, although this effect would nearly disappear with enough data.

cat(transition_matrix(hmm_est), transition_matrix(prior_hmm_est); dims=3)
2×2×2 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0.688224  0.311776
 0.411282  0.588718

[:, :, 2] =
 0.594827  0.405173
 0.464871  0.535129
std(vec(transition_matrix(hmm_est))) < std(vec(transition_matrix(hmm)))

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