
Operations research course 2021

Hello and welcome to the website for the Operations Research course I am teaching this year at École des Ponts ParisTech. The main instructor is Axel Parmentier, and general information is available on the Educnet page, but here you will find some resources that are specific to my group.

Course material


Class 1: optimization problems & graphs

Class 2: shortest paths

Class 3: flows

Class 4: spanning trees & complexity

Class 5: linear programming

Class 6: integer programming

Class 7: integer programming again

Class 8: bin packing & facility location

Class 9: routing problems

Class 10: network design

Additional resources




Here are a few resources you can use to complement the course or to go deeper. If you can’t find them, ask me for help or check out these bibliography tools.

Introductory books

Advanced books